Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Few Finishes

Not a very catchy title, huh?  Just short and to the point!

Point being,  I'm happy to have a couple of things out of my stitching bag, and to get to move a couple of new projects into the rotation in their places.

First, I'll share the finish of block 1 of Shores of Hawk Run Hollow.  And, my progress on block 4.

I chose to slip down to block 4 to stitch in February, because it just seems so Valentine-y to me.  The lady in her red dress, waiting for her love.  Awwwwww.  I'm calling this block the "Ghost and Mrs.  Muir" block.  It just reminds me of the house in the old Gene Tierney movie!

Next,  2 finished designs by my sweet friend Tanya, aka The Sampler Girl.

First is  a sweet little Adam & Eve sampler called "Naughty or Nice". 

And, Coasting Day.

Lastly,  8 Saturdays into 2012, I met my Saturday goal of finishing an already-stitched project.  So, I'm only 7 weeks behind!
This week, I did the finishing on this Lizzie Kate Winter fob.  This was my first attempt at doing the ribbon/pin ruching.  I'm not that happy with the way it turned out, so I left the excess ribbon for now.  Nice thing is, I can reposition the pins any time.

I don't know about you, but I have seen SO MANY new things from Nashville that I want!  So many, I found it necessary to leave a list beside my computer to add all the new items to my wish list!

Have a great week!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

4 Years, 6 Months in the Making

Hello, fellow stitchers, just popping in to announce that my Village of Hawk Run Hollow is FINISHED!! I'm positively verklempt!  I started it in July 2007 on our annual vacation in the Outer Banks.  I take a new project to start every year at the beach.  I've kind of picked at it here and there, and finally, at he beginning of 2011, I said "Enough have until the end of the year to finish it!"  Which didn't quite happen.  So, that is when I made myself work on it for 30 minutes each day until it was done. 

So, first is a picture of the last block I worked on, and then the entire sampler.  Photos are awful, as usual! Piece is very wrinkled, and this was taken at about 8:00 this morning, on a cloudy day.  But, you get the idea...

Thanks for looking!