Monday, December 3, 2012

Back From the Framer's

I haven't posted for a very long time.  I thought some images of my newly framed pieces would make a great subject to get me back in circulation!

First, is "Wild Garden" by Blackbird Designs. 

This came as a kit, packaged in a little tin.  I kept the date that was charted, 1920, changed the initials to those of my grandma Gladys Stewart, who would have been 13 years old that year, and would have loved this sampler.  She taught me how to sew and knit, and I inherited her love of needlework and pretty things.

Next is my Mystery Sampler, by With Thy Needle and Thread.   I only wish you could see this in person, the frame is absolutely magnificent with this piece.

Next is Cape Cod's Girls, by Primitive Needle.  I love the way this turned out!  I couldn't see the splotches in the linen as I was stitching, but the frame really brings them out. 

Next is my alphabet sampler, by Carriage House Samplings.  I stitched all of the individual letters on one piece of linen, and used Kathy's 2 additional blocks at the bottom, and her border.  It is wonderful, the frame is perfect. 

Last, but not least, is Village of Hawk Run Hollow.  I have no words for this one.  I am verklempt!  Tears....

Thanks for looking!  I have a couple of show and tell occasions this week, then get the happy job of deciding  where to hang them!

Hope you have a great week!  I'll try to not stay away so long!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Hope you've had a wonderful Easter Sunday!  My 2 oldest kids weren't home for Easter, so my husband, son and I went to Cracker Barrel for a mid-afternoon meal, seemed silly to go to a  lot of trouble cooking for just the 3 of us.  It was nice, and we had a lot of fun.  Not our normal Easter Sunday, but enjoyable.  The rest of the day, I've spent watching movies, stitching, and doing a little laundry.  And, I'm off again tomorrow!

My sweet little tree is dressed in her Easter finery, and brings a smile to all who see her. 
Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Not Nice to Fool With Mother Nature

Remember that old margarine commercial?  I've remembered that quote, and like to throw it around every now and then.

Even though there is still technically almost a week of winter left, as far as Mother Nature is concerned, it's spring.

I was fortunate enough to have a day off from work today to get outside with my husband, my dog, and 1 of my cats-my cats are indoor cats, but my Maine Coon, Bob, is allowed outside with supervision.  My husband and I did a little yard clean-up, burned some brush and leaves, and I took a few pictures of some beauty spots in my yard.  As you'll see, Lucy is camera-shy, and turns her head every time she sees me about to take a picture!  Bob is a little more hammy.  And, I'm not advertising for ADT alarms, just sharing my daffys!

Hope you're enjoying your day, and have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Stitching Week in Review

I'm pleased to report that I've had a pretty good week with my current stitching projects.  I've had 2 finishes, a good bit of progress on some other things.  One pretty good-sized froggy came a courtin'. 

I finished the Pumpkin Farm block on Anniversaries of the Heart.  Now, when I say I've finished these blocks, and you're thinking you see a lot of bare spots, that's because I'm leaving most of the personalization until the end.  I know I will probably hate myself for putting it off.

Here is Pumpkin Farm:
Next is a finish of one of the Stacy Nash Girls' Club kits from Country Sampler, "To My Sweet Pinkeep".  I love these kits!  I have been a member of the club since the beginning, it's now in year 4.

Next is a picture of the Ghost and Mrs. Muir block of Shores of Hawk Run Hollow.   I was filling in the grass, when I realized the boat on the right was one row too low, so I had to rip out and re-do.
Just need to stitch the bricks and backstitch the windows and door, and this block will be done.  Plan to have this done this week!
Next is the wee bit of progress I've made on Margaret Cottam.  I was not having a lot of fun with the border at first, but it's growing on me.  This piece is really slow-going for me, I don't know why.  And, am I not presumptious, stitching the 2012 in the corner?

Last is a shot of the Christmas ornament I'm currently working on.  My goal is one per month.  This is definitely an oldie but a goody, pulled out from the deepest, darkest recesses of my UFOs.  It's a Mirabilia ornament from an old JCS ornament issue, 2000, I think. With the size, and all the color changes, I think you can see why I've taken so long to finish!
Lastly, a few shots of my little year-round tree, all decked out for Saint Patrick's Day.

That's about all for now.  I probably won't post again before Saint Patrick's Day, so I hope you enjoy!  Don't drink to much green beer!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Few Finishes

Not a very catchy title, huh?  Just short and to the point!

Point being,  I'm happy to have a couple of things out of my stitching bag, and to get to move a couple of new projects into the rotation in their places.

First, I'll share the finish of block 1 of Shores of Hawk Run Hollow.  And, my progress on block 4.

I chose to slip down to block 4 to stitch in February, because it just seems so Valentine-y to me.  The lady in her red dress, waiting for her love.  Awwwwww.  I'm calling this block the "Ghost and Mrs.  Muir" block.  It just reminds me of the house in the old Gene Tierney movie!

Next,  2 finished designs by my sweet friend Tanya, aka The Sampler Girl.

First is  a sweet little Adam & Eve sampler called "Naughty or Nice". 

And, Coasting Day.

Lastly,  8 Saturdays into 2012, I met my Saturday goal of finishing an already-stitched project.  So, I'm only 7 weeks behind!
This week, I did the finishing on this Lizzie Kate Winter fob.  This was my first attempt at doing the ribbon/pin ruching.  I'm not that happy with the way it turned out, so I left the excess ribbon for now.  Nice thing is, I can reposition the pins any time.

I don't know about you, but I have seen SO MANY new things from Nashville that I want!  So many, I found it necessary to leave a list beside my computer to add all the new items to my wish list!

Have a great week!