Finally, I have a little time off, I feel like I've done nothing but work lately. I was off yesterday, worked 7:30-4:00 today, then get the weekend off, work Monday, and have Tuesday off. I feel so out of touch with my home and the people and things that are important to me.
I FINALLLYY got my Christmas tree(s) un-decorated yesterday, altough I haven't finished taking apart the big tree yet. I took the Hokie ornaments off the small tree, and then put snowmen on the tree for the rest of January, then I will decorate it for Valentine's day, and after that St. Patrick's day and then Easter. I know......
It is so blasted cold here, I am wearing gloves for typing. Rachel injured her knee in practice last night. We were planning to drive to Lexington to Washington and Lee University for her game tonight, but decided it wasn't worth it to drive 2 hours to get there, to watch her sit on the bench, then drive 2 more hours home.
I have put myself back on a stitching schedule of sorts, which really has seemed to keep me focused and on-track in the past. I just have SO many projects I want to do, and so little time to work on them. So, by having a plan for every day, I can focus on working on whatever I have planned for the day. Otherwise, I will sit and play with my stash and not know what I want to work on and end up doing nothing. My plan is: Sundays, I work on a medium sized piece, and have a list of about 6-8 of them I would like to stitch this year. Mondays, I work on my Prairie Schooler santas. Tuesdays, I work on small projects, with a list of about 12 projects I would like to complete this year. Wednesdays, I work on Carriage House Samplings' "Village of Hawk Run Hollow". Thursdays and Fridays, I work on UFO's and finishing already stitched projects. Saturdays, I am working on my Carriage House Samplings' alphabet sampler. I implemented my plan last week, and am feeling good about seeing progress on so many pieces-and, it prevents boredom.
Now, time to get off of here, and go put my plan into action!
Organiser sa valise : les sacs Lavoisier
9 hours ago