Here it is Tuesday, where did my weekend go? I was so excited last week, anticipating both of my girls coming home for fall break from their respective colleges. Meredith had Friday off from classes (VA Tech), carpooled home Thursday night with a friend, and left yesterday morning to go back. She turns 21 tomorrow--where does the time go? While she was home, she requested that instead of a regular birthday cake, that I make one of Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake's for her birthday. Sinfully good...
Rachel had a volleyball tournament in DC Saturday, at Catholic University. Roanoke beat both Catholic and Stephenson. after the tournament, we got to bring Rachel home with us. Her fall break is this whole week, only the volleyball team has to report back by 4:30 today, for practice. The dh has driven her back to school today. The down side of collegiate sports...
It was wonderful having the girls home, if only for a short time.
Meanwhile, went for the fall parent-teacher conference for my 5th grade son, Hunter. His teacher says Hunter "confuses" her...I am confused, too! She says she did a reading assessment at the beginning of the year, he had the highest score in the class--he can read at 12th grade reading level! Yet, right now, he has got a C+ in class! He has never had a C in his life! We have to figure out what's going on here.
Not much to report in the stitching department. Although, I did start knitting a sweater last week with some 25 year old electric blue mohair that has been knit into 2 sweaters previously, and ripped out both times. I really hope this one turns out to my satisfaction, as I would love to be able to wear and enjoy this sweater some time before I die!
Organiser sa valise : les sacs Lavoisier
5 hours ago